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Showing posts from April, 2013

The Life and Legacy of Margaret Thatcher

The Life and Legacy of Margaret Thatcher On Monday 8 April 2013, I was sat in Wetherspoons awaiting my lunch and noticed a picture of Margaret Thatcher on one of the television screens the other side of the pub. I jokingly thought “what had she done this time”, after a bit of squinting to read the headline it turns out she had died. Ironically I had been discussing what I should do for my next blog post. I had decided but that one will be posted at a later date as the passing of a highly controversial politician is a topic that cannot be omitted from a political blog. There are two main aspects of this blog. The first aspect focuses on the media coverage of her death and funeral. The second section will look to my own personal research focusing on the results of a short survey I created shortly after her death. Since the breaking of the news of Thatcher’s death the media has dedicated a huge amount of column inches to cover both the event of her death and her life and leg